

Video Courses

Upcoming Workshops


The Science Of Parenting:

Tips & Techniques For Understanding Your Child

About the Workshop:

Unlock the power of neuroscience in parenting with ‘The Science of Parenting: Tips & Techniques for Understanding Your Child.’ This workshop offers insights into child brain development and practical strategies for a stronger bond and better communication. Enhance your parenting skills with science-backed methods to support your child’s growth and emotional well-being. Join us for a transformative journey towards informed and compassionate parenting.

Sign Up Today!


Date: March 15, 2024 (Friday) @ 9am-10:30am MST

Location: Zoom

How Not To Be A Reactive Parent

About the Workshop:

Parenting is one of life’s most rewarding challenges. Yet, in the heat of the moment, it’s easy to react impulsively, letting our emotions dictate our responses. In this workshop, ‘How To Not Be A Reactive Parent’, we’ll delve into understanding our triggers, managing our emotions, and cultivating proactive strategies for patient, thoughtful parenting. Attendees will walk away with actionable tips and tools to break free from reactionary habits, fostering deeper connections and understanding with their children.

Sign Up Today!


Date: April 20, 2024 (Friday) @ 9am-10am MST

Location: Zoom

Flying Gull Photography

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a parenting workshop?

A parenting workshop is a focused and interactive learning session designed to provide parents with practical tools, strategies, and insights to enhance their parenting skills and address specific challenges.

Who should attend parenting workshops?

Parenting workshops are beneficial for all parents, whether you’re a new parent, experienced caregiver, or facing unique parenting challenges. They offer valuable guidance and support for anyone looking to improve their parenting approach.

What topics are covered in parenting workshops?

Parenting workshops cover a wide range of topics, including communication skills, discipline techniques, child development, managing screen time, fostering emotional intelligence, dealing with sibling rivalry, and more.

How long are parenting workshops?

Parenting workshops can vary in length, but they typically range from 1 to 2 hours. Some workshops might be shorter, focusing on specific tips or techniques, while others could be more in-depth and span multiple sessions.

Do I need to have specific parenting challenges to attend a workshop?

No, parenting workshops are open to all parents, regardless of whether they’re currently facing specific challenges. Workshops can provide valuable insights and tools to enhance any parenting style.

Will I receive materials or resources to take home?

Many parenting workshops provide participants with handouts, tip sheets, or resources that summarize the workshop content and provide practical tools to apply at home.